Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"And a little child shall lead them..."

I love how excited my little boy gets over Monday night Family Home Evening.  Last night, for example, we pulled out our "singing tree" (it's just a cardboard tree with leaves on it...every leaf that we pull off has the name of a song on the back that we get to sing), and he sang and danced like a crazy man to every song.  As soon as the song was finished, he ran back to the tree for another one.  After carefully choosing a leaf, handing it to mama, and hearing the verdict, the craziness started all over again.  After utilizing the singing tree, we had a short lesson about obedience.  Amidst many pleas of "F, sit down" and "please listen", we talked about Nephi being commanded to return to Jerusalem for the brass plates (some people in our home think he went back to get the "grass plates").  Then we played a rip roaring round of "Mother May I"--it was a new game to everyone except mama.  Even though I had to repeat the rules every time it was F's turn, he had so much fun.  He spontaneously exclaimed in the middle of the game, "We are playing such a funny game!"  He and Daddy were asked to somersault across the dining room, jump, slither like a snake, fly like a bird, etc.  The evening ended with eating chocolate cake and ice cream--F was so proud because he "dumped" all of the ingredients into the bowl as he and I made the cake yesterday afternoon.  There are times that I wish F would show a little less enthusiasm and Daddy a little more enthusiasm (after a long day of work) for FHE.  At times I think F isn't learning a thing; I wish he would calmly sit and sing or listen to the lesson without being having to be corralled.  Then I pause and realize that he is excited...really excited about FHE.  As he answers questions about the gospel or the scriptures, I realize that he really is listening; and most importantly, I realize that the day will come when I will wish that he'd show just a little more enthusiasm about spending an hour with his family discussing the gospel. Yes, he does need to learn to sit quietly and listen to the lesson; that will come as he continues to grow.  I need to remember to live a little more in the moment and enjoy his enthusiasm--oh that everyone in the world would be as filled with pure, unadulterated joy about discussing truth and spending time with family.  What a different world we would live in if that were the case.  Thank you, F for your enthusiasm!

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